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Climate: US drought threatens price of food as hot weather fries corn

"Parched fields drives up price of corn, with higher prices likely to be passed on in the cost of hamburgers, steak and bread"

Category: Climate Change


Rio+20 was grim but optimism and innovation could turn things around

"John Elkington had not imagined quite how badly the UN summit in Rio would fail, but, ever optimistic, he outlines his plans to turn things around"

Category: Climate Change


How to bet on climate change

"Pascal's Wager is more useful for deciding which way to go on climate change than on, say, religion"

Category: Climate Change


Is it now possible to blame extreme weather on global warming?

"Wildfires, heatwaves and storms witnessed in the US are 'what global warming looks like', say climate scientists"

Category: Climate Change


US heatwave sets more temperature records

"Climate Central: Atlanta and Knoxville set all-time high temperature records on Saturday, with more records predicted for early July"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 81 to 85 out of 1185